Friday, March 14, 2008

Ciao a tutti!
We had our second meeting of the Italian play-group on Wednesday.
Olivia could not be here and we missed her, we are looking forward to see her next week.
The weather was nice so the kids played outside for a little, while mothers and a grandmother had coffee.
The children were really urging to spend time outside, after beeing cooped in most of the winter.
Once they came in and had snack, we started learning some new songs: the ABC in italian, the numbers and "I due liocorni" a very funny songs with movements, that tells the story of Noah's Ark and the animals on it.
The children were a bit shy at first, mostly worried that they could not understand and repeat the songs, but once we practice the words slowly a few times, they realized how easy and fun it can be. Then they really got into it.
Giuseppe asked to work on the banner we started at the last meeting, we did not have time, but I will plan on doing it next week. Also I will have the lyrics of the songs written for the kids to read along and take home with them.

Don't forget I host a Mary Kay party at the gallery tomorrow at 10:00. I believe I called or e-mailed everybody, but if I missed someone... just show up, it will be fun!

Until next time,


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